Monday, July 21, 2014

Crew Bridger

 The Klein's Crew...  

The Kleins have the cutest Crew... in more ways than one. In this particular case I mean Mr. Crew. He is ADORABLE, and seems to be the most laid back 6 month old ever... and I have met some pretty easy going kiddos... and raised a couple (yes a couple as in two, my middle man could never have been described as laid back as a baby :) ... ). Crew let us put him anywhere we wanted with no complaints. Bubbles? yes please. You want to pour water on me? sure no problem. Sit on my brothers lap? Got it... although that one didn't last quite as long ;) I love this family. They have been with me literally from the start. Danielle gives me way to much praise and I don't hate it ;). She has also introduced me to some great people, and one of those amazing families is coming up on the blog VERY soon ;). They are so laid back and they love each other like crazy which makes my job so easy. I just have to sit back and watch from behind the camera. Here is the Klein family with Crew who is already six months old. Those eyes... that smile... the way he bites his lips... I love it all! This was a fun evening with a great Crew ;)

Friday, July 11, 2014

 Daxtin August

Meet baby Keller.... 

     Baby Keller made his appearance this month, and he was nine pounds twelve ounces of cute! I can't get over those cheeks! :) He was such a little sweetheart, and even though he didn't (and I repeat DIDN'T) care for being naked (who would in front of an audience ;) ... ) once he was wrapped up he was snuggly and perfectly sleepy! Big sister Ava was so sweet to him and even brought music to listen to during the shoot. These two are going to have so much fun together! I was not wrong when I said this gorgeous family was about to get a whole lot cuter... but, you be the judge ;) meet Mr. Daxtin! 

He is the first installment of cuteness for this summer of babies :) I can't wait to share more cuteness!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Horses and Rain... 

Every shoot is something new for me, but, this one had two elements that I haven't really dealt with before. This kicked off my busiest month of shoots yet :) so why not try a couple new things? It was centered around a horse... and, it was raining.The horse I had fun with, the rain? Well, it might be a while before I attempt it again :). It did have some cool effects on the pictures with the rain drops and the edges of the lens cover. But, it was also a lot more difficult. Vanessa was a champ though. White dress, black horse, lots of rain? Sure! bring it on. She wanted pictures with her horse, Duke, who she has ridden in competition and had as a part of the family for years. Now that Duke is getting older she wanted to get some pictures of just him and her. Both of us being mamas of three (two of each of ours in the middle of t-ball season), and both of us running home daycare, we find time wherever we can! So, after a few attempts to get together, rain or shine this shoot was going to happen! And, I am so glad it did! She is so gorgeous.... and Duke is quite the stud himself ;)
So, here are a few from my evening with Vanessa and Duke!

So much more coming to you this month! I can't wait to share!!